Chau Doc
Chau Doc is an idyllic riverine town located close to the Cambodian border
and inhabited by the communities of Kinh, Cham, Khmer and Chinese. There are
numerous pagodas in Chau Doc which have Chinese and Hindu influence and
which are colorfully painted.
Traveling in Chau Doc you can take a boat trip just off the town center to
visit the floating communities of the Cham who raise fish in cages
underneath their house. The Sam Mountain which is close to the town offers
stunning sunset vistas over
Cambodia and the surrounding countryside.
For the adventure travelers and the nature seeking travellers you can take
an eco tour of the cajeput forests or you can visit the site where 3,000
civilians were massacred by the Khmer Rouge in 1978.
Chau Doc is at the leaping off point of the waterway between
Vietnam and
Cambodia. Some travellers may want to relax in Chau Doc for a couple of
nights before continuing to Phnom Penh or
Ho Chi Minh City.